On Saturday, September 13, 2003 PMF will be sponsoring a Portal Challenge Competition.
There will be three events:
The purple portal will be some place on Dal'Noth. Those exiles accepting this challenge will gather in Falinea's Garden before 12:00 noon PDT*. Contestants will be required to register their names with the PMF representative in Falinea's Garden prior to the start of the event. After all the contestants are registered and it's time to begin, the PMF representative will call out Go and the race will be on. PMF will provide a free opener at Dal'Noth for the first ten minutes of the event. You may join the contest late by signing up in Falinea's Garden, but if you need an opener after that time, you will have to arrange it yourself. Contestants may search alone, in pairs, or in groups. Parties should include a pathfinder to ensure the ability to search all areas. The first exile to return to the green portal through the purple portal and be alive on arrival will win this challenge. It will be the responsibility of the winner to divide the winnings with team members, if any.
The purple portal will again be some place on Dal'Noth. Those exiles accepting this challenge will gather in Falinea's Garden before 8:00 PM PDT*. Everyone participating in this event must have a dueling glove. Every participant will be required to keep the dueling glove equipped during the entire challenge. Contestants will be required to register their names with the PMF representative in Falinea's Garden prior to the start of the event. After all the contestants are registered and it's time to begin, the PMF representative will call out Go and the race will be on. PMF will again provide a free opener at Dal'Noth for the first ten minutes of the event. You may join the contest late by signing up in Falinea's Garden, but if you need an opener after that time, you will have to arrange it yourself. Contestants may search alone, in pairs, or in groups. Parties should include a pathfinder to ensure the ability to search all areas. The first exile to return to the green portal through the purple portal and be alive on arrival with the dueling glove on will win this challenge. It will be the responsibility of the winner to divide the winnings with team members, if any. The portal may have a special guardian or two, so be prepared.
The Awards Ceremony will take place in the ballroom at 11:00 PM PDT*. Any bards wishing to participate are welcome. Rakshasa has agreed to entertain. We encourage everyone to bring food and drink to share, but we will provide some snacks as well.
The green portal will be unavailable during the course of these events. For those exiles who wish to hunt up where the air is thin and still can't get into the mirror, Lorikeet will provide taxi service through the mirror. You will, however, have to fall in order to take the taxi. Taxi service includes getting raised on arrival.
After each contest is over, PMF will be providing a clean up crew to comb the island and recover fallens. If you are fallen be sure to share one of us so we will be sure to locate you.
PMF as sponsors of the event will not be eligible for any prizes and will not be participating as contestants.
PMF asks that contestants approach this in the spirit of friendly competition. Needless to say, anyone not following the spirit of the game, for example by going through the purple mirror or the green portal, will be disqualified.
*Saturday,12:00 noon PDT is 3:00 PM EDT; 7:00 PM GMT; 8:00 PM BST; 9:00 PM CEST; Sunday, 4:00 AM Japan
Saturday, 8:00 PM PDT is 11:00 PM EDT; Sunday 3:00 AM GMT; 4:00 AM BST; 5:00 AM CEST; 12:00 PM Japan
Saturday, 11:00 PM PDT is Sunday 2:00 AM EDT; 6:00 AM GMT; 7:00 AM BST; 8:00 AM CEST; 3:00 PM Japan
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