- Will the Portal be guarded by PMF members to keep the noths away?
No. PMF members will not keep the portal area clear.
- What happens if you are alive when you step into the purple portal, but get hit after it drops your health down close to zero and fall, yet still end up in the green portal?
You will not win. You will be raised on the other side, after which you can try again by returning to the island using any means other than the green portal or purple mirror.
- In the search and assault game why exactly do we all need dueling gloves?
The gloves present a significant change in the challenge. You are now vulnerable to any exile that chooses to use a dueling weapon against you. Whether or not any exiles decide to use dueling weapons is completely up to them. The portal, if guarded by PMF members, will present a difficult challenge to make it through alive.
- Do we have to beat up other people or is holding a glove the equivalent of having to hold a baton in a running race?
What you do is your choice. You have an option to fight other exiles if you like.
- Just wondering, will PMF be putting the portal back in its original place afterwards?
According to amendment 8 of PMF law, paragraph 10, section 3, clearly states "Always return the purple portal back to Puddleby when not being used in a challenge."
- Goodness, we wouldn't want mystics to participate, now would we?
Completely the opposite. We debated even providing one for gaining access. In the end we decided having one available for a short period of time at the beginning would be best. Having said
that, in a situation where knowing what others are doing could mean life or death or the fastest way to unchecked areas, it would seem a mystic could be extremely valuable.
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